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Bees pollinate crops and produce honey from the collected nectar. Beekeeping is therefore strongly linked to agriculture. Swiss beekeepers keep around 165,000 bee colonies. Each colony produces more than 100 kilos of honey a year for its own consumption. Of these, about 10-30kg are harvested honey.

Bees are vegetarians. They feed on plant sap, especially nectar. If honeybees are able to collect enough food, they build up supplies in the form of honey. They use these supplies during times in which there are fewer flowering plants. The honey also serves as a food source in the winter.

When the weather turns cold, bees do not enter into a state of hibernation. Instead, the entire colony comes together to form a winter cluster, keeping itself warm in the process. If the temperature falls below 10 degrees Celsius, the bees begin to flap their wings and thus generate heat. By doing so, they can heat the hive up to 30 degrees Celsius. This makes the honey more liquid again, meaning it can be used by the honeybees.

Honeybee winter losses

Nevertheless, some bee colonies do not survive the winter. Colonies that are already weakened when the cold winter months arrive have a poor outlook. In recent decades, these winter losses have increased. There are several reasons for this. Beekeepers believes that a lack of food resources means that the colonies are unable to build up sufficient supplies. The varroa destructor, a parasite that attacks bees, is also having a major impact.

Numerous wild bees

In addition to the honeybee, Switzerland is home to around 500 species of wild bees. These are solitary creatures. Wild bees are classified as endangered. Agriculture provides them with special flowering strips, for example, which serve as habitats for pollinators and beneficial insects.

Bee-friendly flowers

Private individuals can help wild bees by planting bee-friendly meadows and flowers or offering insect hotels.

There are numerous bee-friendly plants that also adorn any garden. Bees like daisies, lavender, catnip and lantanas as well as herbs such as oregano, thyme and rosemary. Those planning for the long term can plant raspberries and blackberries or apple, cherry or chestnut trees.

Insect hotels are used by wild bees and other insects for nesting and wintering. These hotels should be assembled in a sunny location where they are protected from the weather. They are easy to build yourself. Reeds and other hollow plant stems, drilled hardwood, thin branches and wood wool serve as “living space” for various insects.

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