Farm Shops
Find Swiss farm shops in your area and enjoy fresh produce.
Find farm shops in your area
from the farmer?
- Freshly harvested foods arrive on your plate directly from the field and taste delicious.
- Regional produce is environmentally friendly, since no long-distance transport is required.
- You know where your food comes from. Get to know your farming family and ask them everything you want to know about its production.
- You support your producer directly, since no retailers are involved.
- Discover specialities. A number of products are not available in retail stores – perhaps you will find a delightful small gift among them.
- Make your shopping trip into an experience for the entire family and visit a farm with a petting zoo or a stable that you can look round.

Tipps und Tricks für frische Produkte

Your personal menu plan
Not sure what to cook for yourself and your family? By using the menu plan, you can think about it in advance and thus save time and money. The plan is designed for a week at a time and you can fill it in directly on the computer or print it out.